Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Below is the vocabulary link for weeks 4 and 5 words from quizlet. Test is on Friday.

Week 4:
Week 5:

Week 1: mob, mot, mov=move
Week 2: grad,gress=step
Week 3: combined
Week 4: pos= to place, put ........(we are here)
week 5: sed,sess=to, sit, settle
week 6: combined

Monday, September 25, 2017

Science Fair

Science Fair Due dates

1. Topic and Hypothesis Due Sept. 22

2. Materials and Procedures Due Sept. 29

3. Reference List and Endorsements Due Oct.6

4. Abstract and Safety Sheet Due Oct.10

5. Science Fair Project Due Oct. 16 at 8:15 a.m

Moon Phase Video

Science : Moon phase Video

Key Details

RI.6.3 Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated and elaborated in a text.

Class Video

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Main Idea

Main Idea and supporting details link

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Author's Purpose Powerpoint

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Research for September-November

Skills: Paraphrasing and citing textual evidence

Students must log on
Class code: YEZK5C
password: 1234
Student must click on their name.

Students will read the text and write a summary of the text by including their responses to the corresponding questions. They must paraphrase and cite textual evidence.

Research Grades

Due Dates:

1.  Research 1.....Sept. 15
2. Research 2.....Sept. 29
3. Research 3.....Oct. 13
4. Research 4.....Oct. 27
5. Research 5.....Nov. 10
6. Research 6.....Nov. 21

I hope this is clear.

If you have any questions or concerns please send a message through class dojo.

We are a team,
Ms. Arnold

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Welcome to Junior High

“Dear students, the summer has ended. 
The school year at last has begun.
But this year is totally different.
I promise we’ll only have fun.
“We won’t study any mathematics,
and recess will last all day long.
Instead of the Pledge of Allegiance,
we’ll belt out a rock ’n’ roll song.

“We’ll only play games in the classroom.
You’re welcome to bring in your toys.
It’s okay to run in the hallways.
It’s great if you make lots of noise.

“For homework, you’ll play your Nintendo.
You’ll have to watch lots of TV.
For field trips we’ll go to the movies
and get lots of candy for free.

“The lunchroom will only serve chocolate
and Triple-Fudge Sundaes Supreme.”
Yes, that’s what I heard from my teacher
before I woke up from my dream.

Character Trait "September"

Work ethic is a value based on hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in the moral benefit of work and its ability to enhance character. A work ethic may include being reliable, having initiative, or pursuing new skills.